Fund Details
EdExploreSRQ Fund for Current Explorations

Brief Description:

Important: All Explorations must come from the approved list of opportunities posted at

NOTE:  This application is open to public and charter school teachers in Sarasota County

EdExploreSRQ is an initiative that was created to provide K-12 students within the Sarasota County school district with valuable engagement through arts, science and culture through "explorations", in-classroom and off-campus experiences that are offered by area partner organizations.

This rolling application process enables teachers to apply for exploration funding throughout the year. No deadlines! This "just in time" feature allows teachers to maximize the learning connections between an exploration and student lessons.

The Sarasota County School District maintains, a publicly accessible website designed to give teachers, principals and parents information and access to explorations.


  1. In the EXPLORATION DETAILS section, explain your project. Please contact the organization or individual you plan to work with BEFORE completing the request. They can provide valuable help and may offer suggestions to ensure your request is viewed favorably. Confirm this contact has been made by including a copy of the email information from the provider (organization or individual).
  2. Although you may request up to $5,000 per exploration, the maximum request per school per semester is also $5,000. We encourage you to actively communicate and collaborate with your fellow educators!
  3. Complete a detailed budget for your Exploration/project based on estimates from appropriate vendors or agencies. The budget must specifically reflect activities identified in the request. Please download the EdExploreSRQ BUDGET FORM and upload the completed budget form to this application.
  4. The request MUST be approved and signed by your principal prior to submitting. Please download the EdExploreSRQ PRINCIPAL SIGNATURE PAGE and upload the signed copy to this application.
  5. Please include proof that you have contacted the provider with whom you plan to work for this Exploration to make them aware of your proposal.
  6. Also note: Applicants must also complete an eGAF to the Grant Program Specialist at Sarasota County Schools
  7. Once your request has been successfully submitted, you will receive email notification.
Review Process:
  1. The request will be logged in the database.
  2. The request will be reviewed by an EdExploreSRQ advisory committee, who will make a recommendation for approval or denial.
  3. Preference will be given to underserved schools, but all are encouraged to apply.
  4. Grants are awarded at the discretion of the EdExploreSRQ advisory committee and the Community Foundation of Sarasota County.
  5. Notification of approval/denial will be sent via email to the teacher.
  6. If approved, grant funding, along with reporting guidelines will be released directly to the school for use by the teacher for the exploration.

Contact Information:

For questions about this application, please contact Patricia Martin at